Friday, January 19, 2007


How are you all???!!! I'm sorry my blog was brokenish. I have no idea how it happened, but I just went back to a basic layout because the fancy ones give me nothing but trouble.

Anyway I will be spending some time on the computer this weekend so I hope to have some fun things in store for everyone.

But in the mean time...

It was awesome!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A Quarter of A Century Old.

Well it was that time of year again...that time of year where I get older. My actual birthday (and thank you to those who send out the birthday are sweet) was a blast. I just chilled with Dan, Chris, Dee, Glenda and Nathan for most of the night. I had a great time playing Cranium and laughing at everyone's antics.
And since my B-day is on such a momentous occasion as it is I thought it would be a good idea to try and move the celebration to a different day. I have learned that this is an excellent idea.
Pretty much everyone turned up...even Glenda and Dee let their freak flags fly. I had a blast, of what I can remember, and I owe it all to some of the faces you'll see below. Sorry I'm in so many pictures, but I didn't take these. There were some more that I wanted to share but they wouldn't upload to blogger for some reason.
Anyway I hope 2007 is treating you well!
Just some of the things that made my night complete.
A Blue Hawaiian, my cell phone and my tiara.

This is my girl Lynsey and I have to say I love this picture of us. Very candid/drunk/exactly what we are like when we are sober picture.

Me and Abbie, I have known her since I was 11 years old. You do the math. Scary.

Me and Deanna shaking up the dance floor. She works at the bar we went to, so set it up for my peeps to get in free and a VIP area to sit. Not to mention the Happy Birthday Tiara and martigra beads. She spoiled this girl.

My friend Chris is to the right and some friends of his to the left. What is with my hair?

My bud Aaron and his not girlfriend Deedee. I have no idea when this moment happened in the night, but I'm glad it was caught on camera. Good thing Natalie (his actual g-f) is so trusting ;)

Ian and Rob.
Ian who was nice enough to be my DD and get me home safe.
Rob was well...Rob.

This is a horrible picture of me but LOOK its Glenda and Dee. They came out and partied with me....and did it better then anyone else I might add.

Abbie, Me and Deanna. This was near the end of the night and I don't remember this picture being taken. But to be honest there isn't too much I remember.
OHHH! And for those who were wondering...I hit the hay at 4am...but drank 2 bottles of water first. Woke up 8 hours later a little drained but no worse for wear...and trust when I say I was drinking like a fish. Here's hoping this new drinking super power lasts.

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