Saturday, December 30, 2006

Yes...finally its me!

So did you have a wonderful Christmas? I had hoped it would snow, even after all the crap we put up with a few weeks back I still want a white Christmas one year.

I got spoiled, which is insane. But I have to say the best part of Christmas was watching little Emma Yam open up her presents. She was so into it this year, even taking the time to help everyone else open up their wrapped gifts. Then she's look at what it was and then let out a long "Ohhhhhhh!" Yeah I love my neice.

Not too much else to report. Work has been going great. It's stressful and busy but I love my job. Love it. I have my own desk now, which makes me feel damn grown up. Got my hair cut and highlighted a few weeks back, you can see a picture of it up on Dee's blog. Yeah I look hot, and I'm not afraid to admit it.

Tomorrow...well it's New Years Eve and its also my birthday. The big 25. CRAZY! 25 was the age in highschool when I had planned to have everything accomplished. I used to say things like "I want to be married and have my first kid at 25." Oh 17-year-old Shauna, so young, so naive. And insane! Here's hoping that being 25 was just as good as being 24.

I plan on spending the night at home tomorrow with Deedee, Chris, Glenda, Nathan, Dan(?) and my bud Rob. It'll be nice to just hang and have a laid back birthday for a change. People thing being born on New Years is usually good times. How wrong they are, but I have a feeling this year will be great. Plus I'm going to the bar next weekend to celebrate with all my friends. If you want to come, well you should.

So here's to a safe and happy New Years! May 2007 truely rock!

My New Years Resolution: Update my blog more for you guys, and thanks for being so patient with me....I promise to be better!
Remember when I told you guys I had to make a Snow Globe for work? Well I did and my buddy Ian helped me. He's Mr. Fix-It and does stained glass as a hobby. And when I say Ian helped me I mean made it so it worked. His step-dad even cut out the base for it. I came out big time in the it was declared the cutest snow globe. It was also labeled "The Man-Globe" once the ladies at work found out a boy helped me. Still I loves it. The figurine inside is a ceramic one I got year back and lots of silver glitter.
Look at all the sparkles!

This is the type of MP3 player I got for Christmas. As the rider of the "loser cruiser" aka BC Transit it's a wonderful way to pass the time. I have wanted one forever so when Santa brought me one I was blown away. 2GB And it's's favourite colour. YES! So yeah, if you can think of any songs that are a must let me know, because it holds so much music I don't know what to do with myself.

The pictures of the babies I have up at my desk at work. That way if my day is going shitty I look over and see Emma, Ethan, Riley and Jacob. Best way to perk up the day.

<---That's actually something a co-worker did to my computer while I was away in Squamish a few weeks back. You know you are in with the work crew when they spend time defacing your office equipment.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Shauna! I hope you had a great evening and had lots of fun. 25 is a great age!!

Lots of love from Rie

Anonymous said...

happy birthday to you shauna!
ps.i love the snow globe!

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