Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Ohhhhh shiny.

Yes I know...no updates.

I'm suprised (and happy) that you all haven't given up on me yet. I'm such a bad blogger but I don't have any cute kids (here or on the way), I don't live anywhere exciting and dammit nothing exciting ever happens to me. I'm more boring then Seinfeld...oh wait you liked that show? Ummm....moving on.

However today was a different day because today I got a shiny new phone.


Well I like it anyway...it has many toys and attachments that I don't know how to use. The manual is written in english (or at least I assume it to be english) but I think I would find the french version just as useful. The buttons are touch screen which make me feel high-tech and geekified. Yes that's a word. Or if it isn't I just made it up. Either way...cool phone.

But what do I like the most about it? It's not 3 years old. My older phone was starting to look like it should be covered in dust and found in a egyptian tomb. 3 years old...I mean back then no one had ipods. I know!!! A world with no ipods is a world with no ipod commercials which I find to be pure art (I especially enjoy them when partaking in some of BC's own). I mean the graphics just blow your mind, I mean Bono wont just do a commercial for anybody. Well not any company...any charity yes...company no.

Has that guy won a nobel prize yet? I mean he's got the grammy's, the quadrouple selling platinum albums and I'm pretty sure he has an Oscar. I say we make him president of the world and be done with it. Wait...is Bono the antichrist?

Ohhh man that was off topic. So yeah...new phone. Pretty. I will update again soon. And don't worry, Bono isn't the antichrist. I know...trust me. It's totally J-Lo.

And here's a little picture to remind us how far that little wireless gem has come.

Possible captain's to go with this photo:

"No this is not Macgyver's phone, stop calling me!"

"What makes me sexy? It's simple, the cleft chin and my new car smell cologne."

or my personal favourite

"Dave's not here man."

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Happy 28th Birthday Deedle!!!!!!

It's that time of year again...and by that time of year I mean August. My whole life August has meant one thing...Diana (Deedee) Marie Neumerschitsky's birthday. It was and is a day to be remembered, cherished and most certainly celebrated. Don't you agree?

Now I though about compiling a list of pictures of Dee but then I realized one thing...she hates pictures of herself. Why someone who looks like her would think that way I will NEVER understand, but it's her day and I plan to abide by her rules. Therefore I have compiled something else instead...pictures of things that make me think of my darling sister and why I'm thankful she was born. Let's get this party started shall we? Aight.

The Party "Animal"

Deedee was born to party harder, smarter and better then you. It's a fact. She'll drink you under the table, catch the eye of the hottest guy at the party, dance the night away and some how have all the girls there wanting to be her friend. When I think about partying I think my "animal" of a sister better be there and I better make sure she's got some Jack Daniels on hand to satisfy her thirst. If not I'm not going to have any fun and neither is anybody else there.


It's not just ink...it's art. Whether it's to symoblize her friendships or her daughter she's rocking it on at least half the planes of her body. She makes no apologies and shows them off with pride. Watching her get a dragonfly done on her back inspired me to finally get some ink for my own. Sure it's not even a quarter of the size...but I only have a quarter of her cool.

Hockey/Canucks/Trevor Linden

Deedee can talk hockey shop with the best of them, she'll debate offense vs defense and as long as it's good for her team then it's good for her. Her love for the Vancouver Canucks is only surpassed by her love for Mr. Canuck himself, Trevor Linden. Look at the man...can you blame her? Thank God they signed him for another year or Deedee might have broken Nonis's legs. Oh and I double dog dare you to tell her you're a Flames fan...come on...do it.

Pop Culture

If it's popular culture then you best be knowing that my girl knows it. I love that I can call her and debate Angelia vs Jennifer, what Lohan is up to now and the latest hollywood spawn. She's got a handle on music, movies, books, television shows and all things that are worth remembering. Some people think it's a waste of time, Dee understands its about knowledge of the people. Also my girl get's Entertainment Weekly...by far the best magazine ever produced. Even better... she lets me have it when she's done.

Last...but obviously not least...


Deedee is Mom to one of the most beautiful human beings ever produced. Being Mom is just one of the spectrums of her personality but one of the parts I am the most proud of her for. Emma has brought nothing but joy, laughter and love into my life and I cannot imagine having that little voice calling me "Auntie Shauna". Yes that girl is the best of both her parents and it shows on her face. But when she giggles, when her dimples flash, when she posses for the camera or when she's giving me her "I'm soooo not impressed with you face" I swear I'm seeing her mother 20 years ago. It a amazes me that there could actually be two woman that cool on the planet and that I get to be related to both of them.

Ladies and Gentleman raise your glass and toast to one of the finest people I know. She is smart, sassy, oh so sexy and a joy to behold...my sister Diana...the person who reminds me of everything cool. Love you girl and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Shauna in getting dumber.

Guess what Shauna is doing tomorrow! Come on guess....yes that's right. She's getting her wisdom teeth removed.

Yes I am 25 and this is supposedly something that should have happened years ago. Insert one dumb dentist, my lack of a dental plan and YAY here we go. I'll admit to being a bit nervous but this is only because when it comes to the dentist...pain is usually to follow. I don't freeze no matter how many needles they stick me with.

Either way its getting done and to add to the fun I'll be staying with my parents for a couple days so that my Mom can look after me. I don't care how old you are...when you are sick you want your Mommy and you want her NOW! Therefore I'll be bugging Deedee for a few days.

The best stuff is that I get Percocet...that friendly drug that you only hear about on TV shows. This will hopefully make things better.

Other then that all is well. I'm boring!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Well talk about being called out!

Alright...I do love my older sister Deedle. She's a gem and she has absolutely no problem calling them like she see's them. How does she see them? Oh you know...grass is green, sky is blue, Emma is perfect and Shauna...where the f$#%k are you?

Good question Dee...I'm glad you asked.

Shauna is currently sitting in her apartment in Oak Bay. Her building is big and filled with older people. They're cute and a little bizarre, but I imagine if I lived through 80 years on this planet I would see things a bit squewy. Yes that's a word. I made it up.

I'm sorry I haven't been around. I could make excuses...work is stressful and busy (which it is), my social life is booming (well that's always been true) or that I'm hunkered down with one fine looking young man and I'm too tired to make it to the computer (now if that was true, well I would make sure I found the time to write). I have been neglectful...my heartfelt apologizes.

Seriously though...lets get to it shall we?

So after one month plus of living on my own I have decided I like it. I love my pink shower curtain, I love washing the dishes when I feel like it and I love sleeping in on weekends. I'm still getting used to the noises my building makes, to not having people around constantly and needing loonies on hand to do laundry. I most certainly miss my old roomies, but I've extended them an open invitation so they can drop by whenever they want (hint! hint!)

I'm sorry I don't have pictures for you. I'll take some tomorrow when there is light in my place. I don't have a digital camera so the crap one on my cell phone will have to do. Should give you the general idea. The place is pretty big, almost too big for one person sometime. Good thing I have friends that like to come over.

To be honest the most pressing thing in my life is work, its been really busy and hectic. And by hectic I mean stressing me out to the point of no sleep. I still love my job, the people and the pay but it felt like I was getting to a point of no return.

That was until today.

I had a day where everything went right, things got done, files got organized and I got back into my swing of things. I even had some people I deal with over the phone all the time in another department head over just to meet me, so that was great. But then as I was watching the minutes count down till the end of the day when I hear that someone else was at the office to see me. I spin around in my chair and there is Emma running towards me. I can tell you right now, no matter how great a day I was having before it was now over the top.

Dee- Your kid was a hit in my office. They thought she was too cute and a co-worker even gave Emma her little stuffed Bashful (he's a dwarf) doll. I was glad everyone got to put a face to the name since I talk about her none stop. Know she's welcome back anytime.

Beyond that not too much to tell. I really need to figure out a way to afford a digital camera in the next couple weeks. I know they're not that expensive but I need to get my laptop fixed (stupid motherboard) and I also need to get some contacts (thank God for a medical plan).

In due time right?

Well thanks all for your patience...all of you. Know I've read about your life adventures, whether they be pregnancies, music festivals, or road trips. So congrats Glenda...I can't wait to be an aunt again...or a semi-aunt. Anne Marie...come visit again...too far away. And Christine please tell Joel how lucky Canada is to have him on my behalf. We can always use more great people in this fine land of ours :)

Oh and Deedee...well I found out about this post from our Nana...so I'm mad at you. You'll just have to wait for it to pass.

....wait for it....


Okay I'm over it now. You're lucky I'm so forgiving.

Monday, March 19, 2007

I know. I know

So...it's Shauna. She's alive. She's well. She's boring but she's still updating.

How is everyone doing? I've been reading and keeping up, still ticked at myself for not catching Glenda's purse blog in time and missing the sweet light blue purse. It made me sad.

Beyond all this I have been working lots. I love my job but its starting to seem weird. Shauna=grown up. NO!!!! But I love what I do everyday and the people that I do it with, so if that's grown up then I will take it.

For now I am spending a lot of time looking for a place to live. Yeah, Deedee finally wised up and kicked me out of the house. KIDDING! She would never do that. No I realized its time for me to live on my own. It's exciting and scary but I'm actually pretty sad about it. I like having my sister/best-friend walking distance from me, I love seeing Emma bean everyday...heck I'm even going to miss Chris/Dan and their need to watch "Engineering an Empire'". Still, it's time. Doesn't mean it doesn't suck. So I'm planning on moving May 1. I hope/pray I find the right place whether it be basement suite or apartment. So if you hear anything give me a holla!

Looking into buying a digital camera. I know right, this might mean I update more because I will actually have something to show you. Trust that my life is not that exciting...but I love that you guys want to know anyway.

Quote of the Day: "I'm in love with a STRIPER." - graffitee in the smoking area at work. I think the guys in love with a stripper...but this is only because I have no idea what a "striper" is. I was going to take a picture of it but those maintenance guys are quick and cleaned it off already.

Friday, January 19, 2007


How are you all???!!! I'm sorry my blog was brokenish. I have no idea how it happened, but I just went back to a basic layout because the fancy ones give me nothing but trouble.

Anyway I will be spending some time on the computer this weekend so I hope to have some fun things in store for everyone.

But in the mean time...

It was awesome!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A Quarter of A Century Old.

Well it was that time of year again...that time of year where I get older. My actual birthday (and thank you to those who send out the birthday messages...you are sweet) was a blast. I just chilled with Dan, Chris, Dee, Glenda and Nathan for most of the night. I had a great time playing Cranium and laughing at everyone's antics.
And since my B-day is on such a momentous occasion as it is I thought it would be a good idea to try and move the celebration to a different day. I have learned that this is an excellent idea.
Pretty much everyone turned up...even Glenda and Dee let their freak flags fly. I had a blast, of what I can remember, and I owe it all to some of the faces you'll see below. Sorry I'm in so many pictures, but I didn't take these. There were some more that I wanted to share but they wouldn't upload to blogger for some reason.
Anyway I hope 2007 is treating you well!
Just some of the things that made my night complete.
A Blue Hawaiian, my cell phone and my tiara.

This is my girl Lynsey and I have to say I love this picture of us. Very candid/drunk/exactly what we are like when we are sober picture.

Me and Abbie, I have known her since I was 11 years old. You do the math. Scary.

Me and Deanna shaking up the dance floor. She works at the bar we went to, so set it up for my peeps to get in free and a VIP area to sit. Not to mention the Happy Birthday Tiara and martigra beads. She spoiled this girl.

My friend Chris is to the right and some friends of his to the left. What is with my hair?

My bud Aaron and his not girlfriend Deedee. I have no idea when this moment happened in the night, but I'm glad it was caught on camera. Good thing Natalie (his actual g-f) is so trusting ;)

Ian and Rob.
Ian who was nice enough to be my DD and get me home safe.
Rob was well...Rob.

This is a horrible picture of me but LOOK its Glenda and Dee. They came out and partied with me....and did it better then anyone else I might add.

Abbie, Me and Deanna. This was near the end of the night and I don't remember this picture being taken. But to be honest there isn't too much I remember.
OHHH! And for those who were wondering...I hit the hay at 4am...but drank 2 bottles of water first. Woke up 8 hours later a little drained but no worse for wear...and trust when I say I was drinking like a fish. Here's hoping this new drinking super power lasts.

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