Friday, September 22, 2006

Can't put your quote in eh?

It's Friday!
Nothing too exciting planned for this weekend, other then taking my (step)Dad to see Jackass 2, as a super belated Father's Day gift. If you've met my Dad, well, you can understand why this is a hysterical situation. My Dad and Jackass aren't exactly things I see going hand in hand, but we had a good time watching the first one, so there you go.
And just for the hell of it...

My friend and I on my 19th birthday. Yes that was many moons ago. But he wouldn't let me put a funny thing he said on here's your picture instead!!! He shall remain nameless in case he get's angry at me and never speaks to me again :)
Oh and Adam's in the backround! Ha. I think he still wears that same vest everyday.
I always have red glowing eyes in pictures, I'm not sure if it's from my contact lenses or because I am secretly evil. Well maybe not so secretly.
K...I have a weekend to enjoy. Ciao.


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