Bored on a Friday with a few minutes to spare so I thought I would spread some hotness. Yeah that's right...HOTNESS!
Here are some of the member's of "My List". You know, that list that every woman has that even if she's married with 4 children her husband still has to let her go there (yeah that's right...THERE!) because "Honey, he's on the list!"
Not your classic hot guy but there is something about his smirk (and wicked sense of humour) that is swoon worthy. I never miss The Daily Show if I can help it.
No longer a "Party of Five" but the doctor on "Lost". A great show, that's even better when the doctor gets down and dirty.
If you do not watch "The Office" then you probably have a screw loose and you are seriously missing out. Not only is this guy hysterically funny but his character Jim is the nicest guy in the world. Contrary to popular belief, Nice + Funny = Irresistible
Know best for his turn in movies by the likes of Guy Ritchie he is one fine looking man. If you've ever seen The Transporter and that scene with the oil, well then you know what I'm talking about.
No he's not a hot vampire with a soul on "Angel" anymore. But he is a hot FBI Agent with a badass funny attitude on "Bones". It's a really good show, and you know, the eye candy helps.
Christian Bale:
He's hot in a "I'm a smart british guy but I'm still have one hot bod under my suit". He killed as the new Batman (my favourite superhero) but I've loved him since "Newsies".
Now there are a few more members to my list but I couldn't find any good pictures, plus I have to catch my bus.
Nice list!
Chris says "Are you still using my car??" lol....see you soon.
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