Saturday, December 30, 2006

Yes...finally its me!

So did you have a wonderful Christmas? I had hoped it would snow, even after all the crap we put up with a few weeks back I still want a white Christmas one year.

I got spoiled, which is insane. But I have to say the best part of Christmas was watching little Emma Yam open up her presents. She was so into it this year, even taking the time to help everyone else open up their wrapped gifts. Then she's look at what it was and then let out a long "Ohhhhhhh!" Yeah I love my neice.

Not too much else to report. Work has been going great. It's stressful and busy but I love my job. Love it. I have my own desk now, which makes me feel damn grown up. Got my hair cut and highlighted a few weeks back, you can see a picture of it up on Dee's blog. Yeah I look hot, and I'm not afraid to admit it.

Tomorrow...well it's New Years Eve and its also my birthday. The big 25. CRAZY! 25 was the age in highschool when I had planned to have everything accomplished. I used to say things like "I want to be married and have my first kid at 25." Oh 17-year-old Shauna, so young, so naive. And insane! Here's hoping that being 25 was just as good as being 24.

I plan on spending the night at home tomorrow with Deedee, Chris, Glenda, Nathan, Dan(?) and my bud Rob. It'll be nice to just hang and have a laid back birthday for a change. People thing being born on New Years is usually good times. How wrong they are, but I have a feeling this year will be great. Plus I'm going to the bar next weekend to celebrate with all my friends. If you want to come, well you should.

So here's to a safe and happy New Years! May 2007 truely rock!

My New Years Resolution: Update my blog more for you guys, and thanks for being so patient with me....I promise to be better!
Remember when I told you guys I had to make a Snow Globe for work? Well I did and my buddy Ian helped me. He's Mr. Fix-It and does stained glass as a hobby. And when I say Ian helped me I mean made it so it worked. His step-dad even cut out the base for it. I came out big time in the it was declared the cutest snow globe. It was also labeled "The Man-Globe" once the ladies at work found out a boy helped me. Still I loves it. The figurine inside is a ceramic one I got year back and lots of silver glitter.
Look at all the sparkles!

This is the type of MP3 player I got for Christmas. As the rider of the "loser cruiser" aka BC Transit it's a wonderful way to pass the time. I have wanted one forever so when Santa brought me one I was blown away. 2GB And it's's favourite colour. YES! So yeah, if you can think of any songs that are a must let me know, because it holds so much music I don't know what to do with myself.

The pictures of the babies I have up at my desk at work. That way if my day is going shitty I look over and see Emma, Ethan, Riley and Jacob. Best way to perk up the day.

<---That's actually something a co-worker did to my computer while I was away in Squamish a few weeks back. You know you are in with the work crew when they spend time defacing your office equipment.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Under the Wire

I'm making this update just under the wire. Sorry I haven't updated sooner but I have some pictures that I am compiling for my post. Should have some free time tomorrow hopefully.

I wish you all the Merriest Christmas! Talk to you soon!


Sunday, November 26, 2006

Hanging my head in Shame.

Well its been a long time. A very very long time. Sorry about that. I've been pretty busy, that and I'd forgotten all about my blog. Sure I checked everyone else's but never thought of my own. Plus I don't have a digital camera, so I can't have pictures on my blog, which I think are the best part.

As for me I am doing very well. I have a new job that I started last week, as a payroll clerk for VIHA. The job is great, the people are great and the pay is AMAZING! I consider this my first adult job, because I can see this being my career. I got hired as a casual so there was some worry for me when I took the job that I wouldn't get enough work to survive. But since I started I've been working full time and my manager just told me on Wednesday that I'll be guaranteed 4 days a week for the next 2 months. However my co-workers are convinced I'll still be working full time since they are pretty short staffed. Either way...that is great. Hopefully this means I can get out of the debt I have and work on getting a car. I want a car again. Badly.

Still doing my recap at GMMR, which seems to be going well. Sometimes I get a lot of comments (which are gold when you post on a blog, which you all know) and sometimes I don't. However it's getting easier and easier to write one, a put a little spice of myself in it. Plus no one has commented that they want to kill me, which is nice.

Christmas is right around the corner. How the hell did that happen? Seriously. Now my brain is all fuzzy with the presents I have to buy and what not. Plus my office mates and I have to make our own snow globes and take them into work as a Christmas project. I have to make a snow globe? Crafty ladies...I'm going to need your help with that one. I've looked up the "how to" online, now its about making it rock. I think whoever has the best wins a prize or something.

Beyond that everything is the same, but still changing at a rapid pace. I realized today that my 25th birthday is approaching at an alarming rate. Can you believe that? Wasn't I just 18? Here's hoping my 25th year will be just as charming as this one was.

Anyway I should hit the hay as my weekend has been jam packed with things to do and Sunday is another day. I wish Victoria's snow fall tonight had stuck. Would have been a good excuse to get out doing anything tomorrow.

And for your viewing pleasure I'm giving you a link to another cool website I found randomly on my world wide web travels:

Also you might note the new blog layout. I finally found one that's actually pretty and doesn't mess up my blog. I owe Deedle for that one, since I got my layout from the same place she got hers. I need to fix up some things, like my links to all your blogs and whatnot. I'm betting I'll have some time for that tomorrow.

Okay enough of me.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Emma at Science World

Sorry I haven't updated in forever. There has been a lot going on and I just can't share some of it in a public forum. However, I love you all and I thought I would share this wonderful video of my fantastic neice Emma at Science World. Her Mommy sent it to me...I hope you don't mind I posted it.

PS. I was wrong. There IS sound!

Friday, October 20, 2006


Whose Fresh Prince pointing at? Yeah that's right.

I know I have shared with you all before the joys of finding strange and unusual websites due to my job. This one pretty much made my day! Nice to know he's still "keeping it real".

Friday, October 13, 2006

What day is it again?

That's right everybody it that day of the year again. Yep, Friday the 13th. A day where everything that can go wrong does go wrong, or so they say.
First off let us have a moment of compassion for those out there who fear and dred this day. That's right, we like to call them Paraskevidekatriaphobics — people afflicted with a morbid, irrational fear of Friday the 13th.
And here I am thinking that sharks are the scariest thing in the world. I have been so wrong, I mean a day on the calendar is so much scarier then a living, breathing thing. How could I be so stupid.
So for you, some facts about this dark day:
Strangely, there is evidence to suggest that Friday the 13th is actually unlucky. Psychologists have found that some people are especially likely to have accidents or fall ill on Friday the 13th. This has been attributed to such people feeling a heightened state of anxiety on that day .The Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute in North Carolina estimates that in the United States alone, $800 or $900 million is lost in business each Friday the 13th because people will not fly or do business they would normally do.
In the Spanish speaking world they fear Tuesday the 13th, as they fear they bring bad luck. I can see that more, mostly because I have always loathed Tuesdays.
So enjoy this scary day because we wont have another one till April 13th, 2007.
You know...if the world makes it that long ;)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I'm back!

Sorry that I have been MIA lately. I would like to say that my life has been filled with excitment and thrills, but not really. Been busy hanging out at home and celebrating some special events like Thanksgiving and Emma's second birthday, though I am still having a hard time believing that last one.

My friend Kylah who lives in Squamish came to town to visit and I spent much time with her. Beyond that hanging out with friends when I can but enjoying the company of home...which is Deedee and Chris. Here are some pictures that I took over the last while on my camera phone. For some reason whenever I go to take a shot of someone they make the most insane faces, which requires an extreme close up. I have no idea who took the picture of me, I just know it wasn't me.

Happy Wednesday!

Rob, first time I'd seen him in a while and I'm sure there will be along stretch before I see him again. All I have to say about that really.

Me...taken in the same week as the the other ones. Nothing too spectacular that's for sure, and I look like I have a gimpy eye.

KYLAH! She heads back to the mainland today and I'm going to miss her even more now.

This is Dan, well my groups Dan the Man. I never see him unless Kylah's here to visit so it was good to catch up.

Adam being Adam, which means weird.

My girl Erin, who had her head shaved on Friday for cops for cancer. Mad props!
So will you stop bugging me about updating now Deedee?

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Why oh why.

My first recap of Gilmore Girls is up for your viewing pleasure. Some of it got change around by the webmaster but not too to much, so that's good. My writing doesn't totally suck.

Back to work I go. Ciao.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A little bit of both I would say.

Yeah...ummm. So I did the test on Christine's blog, and I tied between two things. And then there was a tie breaker question and I couldn't pick! So I'm putting them both in, I think I'm both but you can tell me what you think.

Number 1!

You scored as Idealist. Idealism centers around the belief that we are moving towards something greater. An odd mix of evolutionist and spiritualist, you see the divine within ourselves, waiting to emerge over time. Many religious traditions express how the divine spirit lost its identity, thus creating our world of turmoil, but in time it will find itself and all things will again become one.

Cultural Creative
















What is Your World View?
created with

Number 2!

You scored as Cultural Creative. Cultural Creatives are probably the newest group to enter this realm. You are a modern thinker who tends to shy away from organized religion but still feels as if there is something greater than ourselves. You are very spiritual, even if you are not religious. Life has a meaning outside of the rational.

Cultural Creative
















What is Your World View?
created with

I think I am more of the first then then second, mostly because I do actually have a particular faith, but do not really enjoy the "organized" part of religion. Either way.

I don't know Christine...seemed kinda on for me...but I admit the questions were really confusing. Made my head hurt :)

Monday, September 25, 2006

I hate Monday's.

I hate the Monday. It's probably the worst invention ever.

Saw Jackass 2 this weekend with my Dad. HILARIOUS.

Pointless update, sorry.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Can't put your quote in eh?

It's Friday!
Nothing too exciting planned for this weekend, other then taking my (step)Dad to see Jackass 2, as a super belated Father's Day gift. If you've met my Dad, well, you can understand why this is a hysterical situation. My Dad and Jackass aren't exactly things I see going hand in hand, but we had a good time watching the first one, so there you go.
And just for the hell of it...

My friend and I on my 19th birthday. Yes that was many moons ago. But he wouldn't let me put a funny thing he said on here's your picture instead!!! He shall remain nameless in case he get's angry at me and never speaks to me again :)
Oh and Adam's in the backround! Ha. I think he still wears that same vest everyday.
I always have red glowing eyes in pictures, I'm not sure if it's from my contact lenses or because I am secretly evil. Well maybe not so secretly.
K...I have a weekend to enjoy. Ciao.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I'm a Gilmore Girl...sorta.

Sorry that i haven't updated for a while. Silly Blogger has been shutting down on me whenever I try to publish a post. I have no idea why and I'm not even going to try to figure it all out.

Now, on to the juicy news...I am now going to be recapping one of my all time favourite shows for one of my all time favourite websites. Can you guess the show? I'll give you a little hint.....


Yeah, Gilmore Girls! Can you believe it? One of my all time favourite shows. So after sending in some sample work and just hoping to be okay with giving it a shot I got an email back asking if I would be willing to recap these pretty ladies. Are you kidding me??! I got the offer yesterday and responded right away that "YES!" I would do it. Haven't heard anything back but I'm not sweating it. Though I would cry like a baby if it fell through. The site is, a great TV site.

No in case you are wondering this is not something that I am being paid for and trust me when I say that is TOTALLY okay. I get to write for a site, and people will read it. I need to get used to this if I want to be a writer one day.

Okay so that's my news. Still flying high and fingers crossed that nothing happens to screw this up. Hope you are all well, and update your blogs sometime okay, I get bored at work.

"You don't understand, in our world being a Recapper is a huge deal. HUGE!" - Deedee (my all supporting sister and proof reader)

PS The Office, My Name Is Earl and Grey's Anatomy all start their new season tonight. And don't judge my tv loving ass!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Okay I think I might have solved my blogger looks fine to me. Let me know how it looks to you. And come on is the new black.

Fingers Crossed

Well I emailed on of my favourite websites and offered up my services as a TV Show recapper. They are looking for people and I figured I should take a leap and go for it. I have no idea if I'll hear back but combining two of my favourite things (writing and TV) ...well that would be freaking fab! If not, I tried right. I have to find some forum for people to read my writing, because I can't keep doing it in secret (or letting a select few readit).

K...I gotta go update my livejournal! This two blogs thing is nutty.

Blogger is still being dumb. Have a great weekend, and next week all the new shows start. The Office people! THE OFFICE!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Well for some reason the right hand side of my blog is going all "MagicMan" on me. (Now you see it, now you don't), which makes me annoyed since it took me forever to figure out how to make it look pretty...I shake my fists at the blogging gods.

So just in case you can't see are a few of my pass the time. (my pretty pretty sister) (search anything on that site...and you are bound to find a video to amuse)

My work here is done.


Walking around on my lunch break, going to grab amazingly yummy and cheap chinesse food from down the street. Thinking about Survivor last night and wondering if it's "ethnically" wrong of me wanting the Asian team to win. Notice people are staring. Don't hate the player hate the game...or something like that. Isn't till I'm almost back at work that I realize my fly is all they way down. Wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't wearing hot pink underpants.

Do I know how to rock Friday or what?

Shauna --

A person with a sixth sense for detecting the presence of goblins

'How" will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

Yeah that's right, the goblins fear me. And so they should. Oh yes. So they should.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Oliver Ray

Girl Reading by Oliver Ray
As some of you may or may not know my job insists that I spend an astounding numbers of hours scoping out the internet. There are some amzing sites out there. Ever now and then I run across something that makes me pause. Today was one of those day's.
I don't have a particular taste when it comes to art, I like what I like and it's that simple. But when I found and saw his art I found it inspiring. A lot more contemporary then I am used to liking but like I do. I'm hoping one day to actually have a copy of "Girl Reading" to hang on my wall.
Happy Wednesday.

Monday, September 11, 2006

It's Monday.

I hate Monday's, but who doesn't. Though the one thing I look forward to every Monday morning before I start my day is heading over to It's a site where people literally send in postcards with their secrets written on them. Some are funny, and some can be deeply disturbing but they are all part of what makes us human. A new bunch sent through out the week are posted every Sunday evening. I've never sent in a secret before but I do love looking. Above was my favourite of the week.
Happy Monday!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Great Big Sea

Well on Monday I went and saw Great Big Sea in concert, and I must say it was an amazing time. It was an open air concert downtown. I went with my friend Adam and his co-worker Nicole. Sorry the pics are so shitty but they played great music. I highly recommend their new album. Canadian treasure for sure.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Suri Cruise

There you go ladies and gents, Suri Cruise. She's real. She's alive. She doesn't look like an alien (or what I think an alien should look like) and actually looks like her parents.
Can we move on now please?

Friday, September 01, 2006

oh my my my!

Bored on a Friday with a few minutes to spare so I thought I would spread some hotness. Yeah that's right...HOTNESS!
Here are some of the member's of "My List". You know, that list that every woman has that even if she's married with 4 children her husband still has to let her go there (yeah that's right...THERE!) because "Honey, he's on the list!"
Jon Stewart:
Not your classic hot guy but there is something about his smirk (and wicked sense of humour) that is swoon worthy. I never miss The Daily Show if I can help it.

Matthew Fox:
No longer a "Party of Five" but the doctor on "Lost". A great show, that's even better when the doctor gets down and dirty.

John Krasinski:
If you do not watch "The Office" then you probably have a screw loose and you are seriously missing out. Not only is this guy hysterically funny but his character Jim is the nicest guy in the world. Contrary to popular belief, Nice + Funny = Irresistible

Jason Statham:
Know best for his turn in movies by the likes of Guy Ritchie he is one fine looking man. If you've ever seen The Transporter and that scene with the oil, well then you know what I'm talking about.

David Boreanaz:
No he's not a hot vampire with a soul on "Angel" anymore. But he is a hot FBI Agent with a badass funny attitude on "Bones". It's a really good show, and you know, the eye candy helps.

Christian Bale:
He's hot in a "I'm a smart british guy but I'm still have one hot bod under my suit". He killed as the new Batman (my favourite superhero) but I've loved him since "Newsies".

Now there are a few more members to my list but I couldn't find any good pictures, plus I have to catch my bus.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Kinda a dark picture of everyone. Even Abbie, who I haven't seen in a really long time was there. Memories...
The Queen of the Party herself. ME!

Steve and Erin. No relation.

Jenny (on the right) and her lady love Tashia. They are such a cute couple.
Rob, as his charming self.

Deanna and Angela. So very pretty.

Pat being Pat. After 7 years of friendshipI have yet to see him drunk. One day Patrick, ONE DAY!

Lynsey and Alena (aka 2/4 of the Pink Ladies)

The cute couple Aaron and Natalie. Aaron looks a lot drunker then I remember him being.

Oh it was a good time for sure. At least I had a good time and since it was my party so that's all that matters. Everyone showed which surprised me. And you know its a good party when you wake up the next day (cursing yourself for how much you drank) and your bra is laying in your backyard. ALRIGHT!

Thursday, August 24, 2006


God I'm sorry. I've been such a bad poster. Stupid work. Stupid sickness. Stupid!

But I think I'm all better now. After dealing with the death of my car (May you RIP my sweet freedom), my sister getting the flu, me getting the flu and Deedee turning 27 (which is a day when Deedee makes you do whatever she wants you to do) I'm surprised I can still stand.

However, Deedee, Chris and Emma leave today for two weeks in sunny Hawaii. I'm jealous, but I have no doubt they'll bring me back something. Mostly I'm going to miss them. All of them. Just don't tell them that ;)

Expect some awesome pictures from my nights of glorious house freedom. I need a real digial camera dammit.

Love :)

Monday, August 14, 2006

Attention Shauna: Shauna Called.

Note to self: Staying up late to watch Iron Chef American (which in all honesty I don't like that much and I had already seen the episode) instead of going to bed at a resonable hour is not a good idea.

Yes, its blurry. I told you it would happen. But I don't care...look how good that present wrapping looks. SERIOUSLY! I did that! And usually I cannot wrap presents for the life of me. There was this one time, I spent about 45 minutes trying to wrap a small ended up looking like a 5 year old had done it. Not that I don't have supreme respect for kids who can wrap. And Martha.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Bring on the lung cancer (yes I'm kidding!)

Yes smoking is bad for you. Yes it kills people. And yes I put this picture up mainly because I think the ash looks funny. I can't even smoke like a normal person.

Deedee's Foot

So that's her foot. Seriously people this photo does not give the pain justice. It looks NASTY. Sorry Dee but seriously. Nice blister and see that area all around the pinky toe. Black, Purple and Blue. Yum Yum.

Okay then.

Chilled out with some people and my b.f.f. (that's right, I have a best friend, so no trying to woo me away with flowers and gifts. I'll take cash though) had just gotten Shera on DVD. We watched an episode. I forgot how cool Shera was/is. FOR THE HONOUR OF GREYSKULL!

What's it like to have a piece of shit car? Oh do let me tell you. It SUCKS! It's one thing to have to take it in because it has some sort of water leak. But it's another when your driving home at night and the interior light dies so you can't see how fast your going. That was fun.

Friday, August 11, 2006

My Mommy Say's I'm A Winner!

Lift up COULD be an instant winner! Riiiight. Such a rip off of "Roll Up the Rim", which was started by Tim Hortons. Not that it matters too much, I wasn't a winner. But the diet Coke quenched my can't ask for more then that.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

First Entry!

I figured every blog has the FIRST ENTRY I should have one too.




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